About Us

RIW Software Technology AB

Focus on the customer

You, the customer can help us to grow and become better. Personal service allows us to adapt to you, because different customers have different needs. Our work begins and ends always with you. This is a must in our service, and customer satisfaction means.

RIW Software Technology is a part of the family-owned Rahmqvist Group, founded in 1953, which is northern Europe's largest, international business group in the office products industry - with 12 fully owned subsidiaries in 10 countries.


Manufacturer Responsibility

Rahmqvist Group's quality and environment-proof, since 1999, through ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification. Quality and environmental certification ensures that our products are always of high quality with a focus on environmental issues. Our product philosophy - quality, saving resources for the environment and your wallet.


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info@riwsoftware.com | phone: 08-766 70 20 | fax: 08-766 70 05 | www.riwsoftware.com